
If we are all in this together, let’s prove it to each other!
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If we as a global society have learned anything during this historical time, it’s that anything is possible and that anything can be overcome.

Looking back just a few short months ago, the world effectively shut down. Millions were placed in a state of limbo—not knowing what was to come, how their businesses would survive, and what the future would hold. However, amongst the fear and uncertainty those in the hospitality, grocery, and retail world suddenly reinvented themselves and in many ways reintroduced themselves to their customers.

It was a moment of truth—the realization that the customer and the business owner were truly connected—it became a watershed moment that priorities had to change and for the better. For far too long, the general public took their local businesses for granted. Not in a bad way: only in that they had always been there. So why wouldn’t they continue to be there in a “forever” mindset. It’s like the feeling that one gets eating at the same restaurant for the majority of one’s life, then only to be shocked when it closes.

This is the feeling that 2020 brought to the public. Institutions of all kinds suddenly needed our help, and we as a community stood up to help. But best of all, so did the institutions. From restaurants, to hotels, to coffee shops, grocery stores, clothing stores, so many of them reached out to their customers and community with a new approach. It was suddenly clear that a two-way, mutually connected relationship was going to be the cure for an otherwise dismal time.

And this is what brings us to today. As the pandemic continues to impact all our lives, the concept that keeping the economy going by being connected is the new and only way forward for everyone. But what does that mean exactly?

Whether it’s in-person, contactless, or even virtual (if we see another shutdown), businesses must connect wth their customers, and vice versa. This, of course, means new tools, new ways of communicating and, most importantly, ensuring that every interaction regardless of how and where it’s made is highly personalized—every time.

As humans, there is one thing that connects us all. Our inherent ability to come together in times of adversity. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that connectivity and interaction is paramount for our collective wellbeing, sense of community, and sense of self.

As more and more businesses embrace that inherent need, customers reciprocate in kind. Making your customer—each one as an individual—the number one priority keeps the business top-of-mind and shows the world that the value of the customer is priceless.

Best of all, accomplishing this in 2020 is easy—in fact, it’s beyond easy. Technology is now at a place where big dollars paired with even bigger project scopes that take months if not years to accomplish are all gone. Now, from mobile apps to automation, and connecting data from every source available is done with the simplest of clicks and uploads.

So as 2020 and 2021 unfold, businesses should rest assured that they can take care of their customers and remain profitable in even the worst of times. Better yet, customers can rest assured that they will be taken care of in turn. If the slogan is “we are all in this together,” let’s prove it. Are you ready?