Digital Customer Engagement Solutions

Can you really foster customer loyalty without in-person contact?
As the world continues to battle a global pandemic, the same fight is now also one of economic survival. For many service-based industries, mandates demanding operations be reduced is a crushing blow to say the least.
How to stop the Grinch from stealing your customers’ holiday experience
This year has not been easy for any business, and with the holiday season right around the corner help engaging customers is sorely needed.
Is the new definition of personalization actually possible?
If there is but one truth in the world, it’s that buzzwords seem to rule all things business related. And as buzzwords permeate the fabric of business, some become real while some go the way of the Dodo bird. Personalization is definitely one of those odd terms that have gone from very real, to the all encompassing, yet vague, buzzwords and back to real in a relatively short time. And let’s not forget the usual suspect—technology.
Why your data has an expiration date
It is often said that data is the new gold standard—and that is not wrong. For every global business initiative taking place in the last decade, data is at the core of everything. And like any other vertical market, those in any facet of the service-based economy are not immune to the affect of data on their business, nor can they ignore the implications that data has over their future.
We’ll be at Shoptalk Meetup 2020
We’ll be at the Shoptalk Meetup 2020. Shoptalk Meetup takes place on Tues-Thurs, Oct 20-22, 2020 at 12:15 pm-4:30 pm...
Personalization through automation is the new sensation sweeping the nation… but it deserves an explanation.
There are those rare times in history when a confluence of events results in something very new and very exciting—this year is one of those years. Now, I know what everyone is thinking—2020 has been anything but stellar. Between socio-political strife and a global pandemic, one would think that this year has been downright horrible.
If we are all in this together, let’s prove it to each other!
If we as a global society have learned anything during this historical time, it’s that anything is possible and that anything can be overcome. Looking back just a few short months ago, the world effectively shut down. Millions were placed in a state of limbo—not knowing what was to come, how their businesses would survive, and what the future would hold.
It’s never your job to manage or solve complexity
Technology is an interesting beast that seems to multiply into subsequent smaller beasts as every day goes by. Case in point, the technology market as a whole is prone to highly siloed, highly complex services and solutions firms—all of which are needed, yet never speak to one another—that leads the customer to suffer through managing all of these disparate entities with no real insight as to who actually owns what.
Why doesn’t our industry eat its own dog food?
As most of you that read my weekly rantings already know, I tend to stick to engagement themes and challenges as they relate to vertical markets, and to solving tactical issues that many of our customers have faced before they engage with us. I love writing about those types of topics since they are based on first-hand experiences and usually have very positive outcomes.
Why your customer experience is changing—and must
If there is one thing that has impacted the business world more than anything in recent history, it’s the need for Digital Transformation. But, for many the question remains: What is Digital Transformation exactly, and how does it pertain to my business? The answer is not as complex as you may think. Simply put, Digital Transformation is nothing more than the adoption of technology and data as part of its core operations. And what is fascinating about this is how it is driving more business.
When someone my age admits that “New School” is better
For anyone who knows me, it's about classic rock, timeless fashion, and fond memories of my younger years. To sum up...
So, you’ve improved your customer experience. Now what?
I’ve always been a glass-half-full kind of person, someone who believes that good can come from adversity, no matter...