Digital Customer Engagement Solutions
Ummm… That’s not personalization, that’s just a person.
Everyone talks a good game when it comes to personalization—unfortunately, for most it means they placed a person’s...
Why marketing technology should never be fashionable
When it comes to marketing technology, it can either be an amazing business driver or simply a hinderance to the...
How much can you learn about your customers before they enter your store? Everything.
In the world of retail there is a common belief that is ingrained into the psyche of every employee: you learn the...
Omnichannel: The customer engagement buzzword that is making a comeback
Like bellbottoms, baggy shirts, and the pile of bad 1980s fashion choices at the back of my closet, omnichannel seems...
Old habits die easily. The “New Normal.”
It goes without saying, the “new normal” is anyone's guess. It doesn't help when the press can't seem to keep their...
When retailers lose their primary channel, what do they do next?
It goes without saying that we are all living in unprecedented times. From the health of families, to the health of...
Why self-checkout kiosks are causing people to check out
At first glance, new technology always seems like a good idea. It's bright, it's shiny, and with any luck it addresses...
IMPACT 2020 Presentation: The #1 Challenge of Digital Transformation. It’s NOT what you think.
From customer experience to data integration, to business intelligence and beyond, digital transformation has come to...
What’s in a name, a solution, a legacy?
With everything being about personalization, knowing the customer and knowing each other, I thought it might be...
This isn’t about the marketing techniques of your grandparents
In a sea of never-ending marketing practices, newly introduced technology, and the expectations that are now placed on...
If I had a million dollars, I’d buy you a digital marketing plan
I have always loved that song by the Barenaked Ladies, “If I Had a Million Dollars.” Call it nostalgia, the sometimes...
No Personalization. No Loyalty. No Customers.
Remember going into a store and seeing this famous iconography on the door: No shoes. No shirt. No service. Believe it...